


Zeb Becker


To improve reproducibility and reliability, we use tagged releases in our GitHub repo to determine which version of the FEDS code our NRT production system uses. The NRT system does not automatically incorporate changes pushed to the main branch of the GitHub repository. For your changes to be reflected in the production system, you need to release a new version as described in this document. This will trigger DPS to build a new image with the tagged version of the code downloaded from the repository and installed. DPS will use this new image for all subsequent scheduled jobs, until another version is released.


Releasing a new tagged version is not the only way to create a new DPS image! If you want to test changes on the DPS or run large jobs with an experimental branch, you can manually create and use your own custom DPS image as detailed in our DPS documentation.

How to Release

In this context “releasing” means the following things:

  • tagging the algorithm with a certain semantic version (semver for short)

  • build and publishing fireatlas on PyPI

    • NOTE: this step is currently paused; we are not publishing the package to PyPI at the moment
  • building an image off that tag that will be used in some async task runner (currently only DPS) to run the regional algorithm jobs asynchronously.

Most of this can be automated but since semver is often about considering if the newest set of changes we are packaging up under a version is backward compatible it does require a human to choose the version.

That said, the fireatlas code isn’t a library that others will be using in their code and so that also relieves us of considering backward incompatible changes. Therefore, we will probably never increment the major release number and only minor or patch in <major>.<minor>.<patch>. Another way of saying that is we fireatlas will always be releasing within the >=1.0.0,<2.0.0 range

Choose a Version Number

The releaser should look at the current release tags and versions and decide if the minor or patch version should be incremented:

  • are all the merged changes in this release just bug fixes? then bump the patch (1.<minor>.<patch>) version by one
  • did any of the merged changes going out include new features? then bump the minor (1.<minor>.<patch>) version by one

Create a new PR for DPS Jobs

Once the releaser has a version number, then will need to create a PR that modifies version in a couple places:

  • the algorithm config algorithm_version in ./maap_runtime/coordinator/algorithm_config.yaml:
algorithm_description: "coordinator for all regional jobs, preprocess and FireForward steps"
algorithm_version: <NEW VERSION NUMBER HERE>
environment: ubuntu
  • unfortunately all the scheduled jobs also pass this version to kick off jobs and therefore also need to be updated in ./.github/workflows/schedule-*.yaml:
- name: kick off the DPS job
  uses: Earth-Information-System/fireatlas/.github/actions/run-dps-job-v3@conus-dps
    algo_name: eis-feds-dask-coordinator-v3
    github_ref: <NEW VERSION NUMBER HERE>
    username: gcorradini

Merge PR and Manually Release

The releaser can merge the above PR and then kick off a new release by doing the following:

  1. Go to

  2. click “Draft New Release”

  3. create a new tag for this release that matches the version chosen above

  4. click the “Generate release notes”

  5. review the release notes and clean up

  6. click the “Publish release”

Release Publish Workflow

The manual step in the last section will kick off an async GH actions workflow that does the following

  • uses our version information and builds a python package using twine

  • publishes the package to PyPI with that version number

    • NOTE: this step is currently paused; we are not publishing the package to PyPI at the moment
  • kicks off a DPS job that builds a new image

Verify DPS Image Build

The biggest thing that can wrong with this workflow is that the DPS image builder fails to build our image. Then the algorithm will not be running the newest code. In the GH release action job you should be able see in the logs where the DPS image job is building and check the status:

  "code": 200,
  "message": {
    "id": "ec3202d4adeb02f7d887d88d2af9784184e60344",
    "short_id": "ec3202d4",
    "created_at": "2024-07-30T20:34:28.000+00:00",
    "parent_ids": ["91dfb3a4edff20c7049825101f015b67c8a05d3a"],
    "title": "Registering algorithm: eis-feds-dask-coordinator-v3", 
    "message": "Registering algorithm: eis-feds-dask-coordinator-v3",
    "author_name": "root",
    "author_email": "root@845666954fdb",
    "authored_date": "2024-07-30T20:34:28.000+00:00",
    "committer_name": "root",
    "committer_email": "root@845666954fdb", 
    "committed_date": "2024-07-30T20:34:28.000+00:00",
    "trailers": {},
    "web_url": "", 
    "stats": {
      "additions": 7,
      "deletions": 7, 
      "total": 14
    "status": "created",
    "project_id": 3,
    "last_pipeline": {
      "id": 14293,
      "iid": 1332,
      "project_id": 3,
      "sha": "ec3202d4adeb02f7d887d88d2af9784184e60344",
      "ref": "main",
      "status": "created",
      "source": "push",
      "created_at": "2024-07-30T20:34:29.737Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-07-30T20:34:29.737Z", 
      "web_url": ""
    "job_web_url": "",
    "job_log_url": ""

Please verify that the job succeeds or you’ll have to manually trigger an image build again via ./maap_runtime/register-all.ipynb. To verify that the job succeeded, you can view the DPS job’s progress in GitLab at the job_web_url provided in the response from DPS as shown above.